Welcome to
Wisbech St Mary

Services Information

Regular Sunday services are held at 11:15AM, every Sunday, as follows (typically):

  • The 1st and 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer
  • 2nd and 4th Sunday Holy Communion
  • 5th Sunday, when applicable, often a joint service with other churches in the benefice

We also hold a monthly mart on the second Saturday of every month at 10AM in the church. Sales of various homemade/homegrown produce, plus a chance to sit and chat over a cup of tea or coffee. Don't be late to grab your bargain!

Also, the last Wednesday afternoon each month, at 3:30PM, we have a parish tea. Entertainment is often laid on, plus another chance to mix, chat and make new friends.

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base21 running nb@2x

About The PCC

Wisbech St Mary and Guyhirn Church now serve these two main villages, along with Rings End, Bunkers Hill, Thorney toll and Tholomas Drove.


Wednesday 27th March 3:30pm - Parish tea including bingo to poetry

Wednesday 27th March 7pm - Compline

Friday 29th March (Good Friday) 10am - Children’s Workshop

Sunday 31st March (Easter Day) 11:15am - ALLELUIA!

Saturday 13th April 10am onwards - Monthly mart

Sunday 5th May after church service- Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Saturday 13th July 2024 11am - CHURCH SUMMER FETE & BBQ in the church grounds

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base21 running nb@2x

Special Services

Baptism Enquiries
We’re delighted that you’re thinking of having your child baptised. We will be more than happy to discuss the possibility of baptism service and all it involves. For further information or to book your child's baptism, our Vicar holds a monthly vestry morning at St Leonard's Church in Leverington, dates and time are normally on the front cover of Village Voices.

Wedding Enquiries
It is a privilege and a joy to welcome couples and witness them make their vows to each other. If you would like a church wedding, then please speak with the vicar at the monthly vestry mornings held at St Leonard's, Leverington, again, dates and times in Village Voices.
